Well this looks different…

July, 2024 - Celebration, Projects, Television


Welcome to our new website! The talented folks over at Ballistic Arts have been working with us over the last several months to put together what you’re seeing now. We’re very happy with the outcome, and look forward to keeping you up to date and in the know with what’s going on here at dbc!

For starters, we’re midway through the 4th and (sadly) final season of Motive. The season 4 premier will be hitting CTV on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016 at 10pm PST. For more info on the first episode of the season, read this article from CTV.

We’ve also been hard at work on the second season of Emergency Room: Life + Death at VGH. The season opener will be premiering on Knowledge Network in Spring 2016!

Also in the works are a couple of top secret projects we’re itching to tell you about!… But can’t quite yet. So stick around, check out the new site, and stay in touch!

Copyright 2024 DBC Sound Inc.

Website designed by Ballistic Arts